“All men are created equal” [SUPERHUMAN knowingly smirks]

3 min readJan 25, 2021

Much like the unquestioned belief in the existence of ‘God’ (for which there is no evidence, it being a PLEASURE-Belief, i.e. one that gives a believer ’emotional comfort’), humans have believed in the ‘equality of men’ — a phrase that has become greatly cherished by miserable humans ‘of lower quality and value’, they being acutely aware they are ‘human losers’ living on the same planet as ‘human winners’

There is no evidence for human ‘creation’ (which is of no consequence to SUPERHUMANS, anyway). All that matters — all that is of consequence — is the Reality that billions of humans are presently MOVING about the earth, seeking the experience of PLEASURE in many different ways — and differing in many, many ways; unequal in many, many ways. Humans are unequal physically, intellectually, emotionally and morally

Physically: some are thin, some are fat; some are fast, some are slow; some are light-skinned, some are dark-skinned; some are strong, some are weak; some exhibit culturally-specific qualities which categorize them as ‘beautiful’, some are considered ‘average’, others are labeled ‘ugly’

Intellectually: some are smart, some are stupid; some are funny, some are boring; some are knowledge-seekers, some remain ignorant; some are creative, some are not; some are talented, some are not

Emotionally: some are sensitive, some are insensitive; some are passionate and highly motivated, some are uninterested and unmotivated (‘lazy’); some are sympathetic, empathetic, and compassionate; some are uncaring and ‘cold-hearted’ (or just pathetic); some are passive, some are aggressive

Morally: some experience PLEASURE by causing others to experience PLEASURE (‘kind people’ or ‘altruists’); some experience PLEASURE without concern for causing others to experience PAIN or DISPLEASURE (‘cruel people’ or ‘egoists’); some experience extreme emotional PLEASURE by merely causing — and witnessing — the experience of PAIN in others (‘human garbage’ with no ‘human value’)

RD-Humans (Reality-Disconnected Humans, or ‘gullible humans’, or ‘stupid humans’) will INSTINCTUALLY believe in (not ‘freely choose’ to believe in) what makes them ‘feel good’, i.e. what causes them to experience emotional PLEASURE. Their brains are ‘genetically wired’ or ‘genetically prone’ to believe whatever causes them to experience the greatest degree of emotional PLEASURE

SUPERHUMAN Belief is dependent upon reason, logic, evidence and Reality; RD-Human Belief is dependent upon the strength or intensity of emotional PLEASURE experienced

RD-Human: “I believe in UFO’s; ghosts; demons; God; The Devil; space aliens; astrology; fortune telling; time travel; the supernatural; psychic abilities; the power of prayer; that the Holy Bible is God’s word; in Heaven and Hell; that Jesus was more than human; that life is good; that you can be anything you want to be; that, if you can believe it you can achieve it; that where there is a will there is a way; that our political leaders have our best interests in mind, and will place our happiness and well-being above their own, and will enact laws which will personally benefit the lives of our families — not increase the scope of their power, or size of their bank accounts”

SUPERHUMAN: “Can you present to me any solid, concrete, scientifically-proven/validated evidence or findings to support any of your beliefs?” Human: “[Cricket sounds… against a backdrop of dumbfounded, dumbass silence]”




SUPERHUMANS complete the process of human evolution. If you’re tired of being merely human, become SUPERHUMAN by seeking the Superwisdom found at SRMovement.com